Nursing Home Abuse Support Group
Nursing Home Abuse Support Group
Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse has become a nationwide focus as reports continue to expose the high number of nursing home abuse incidences. Recent investigations consistently show the decline in quality long-term elder care. Nursing home abuse was found to occur in 1 in 3 nursing homes in 2001, and according to the Senate Committee on Aging, nursing home abuse has increased 20% from last year. An 18-month investigation performed by the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, indicated that about 20% of all U.S. nursing home abuse cases, both sexual and physical, were not reported to local law enforcement officials.
Nursing Home Abuse Supoort Group has been created to inform families of the growing problem of nursing home abuse that will affect the majority of people at one point in their lives. Every 7.6 seconds a baby boomer turns fifty, and by the middle of the century seniors are going to outnumber young people for the first time in history. There are an estimated 5 million nursing homes expected to be in operation thirty years from now, and the challenges our nation faces to make drastic changes in the way our long term elder care operates will only grow larger if immediate action is not implemented. If you or a family member has endured the painful experience of nursing home abuse contact us.
Signs Nursing Home Abuse May Be Present
Unexplained bruises, cuts, burns, sprains, or fractures in various stages of healing
Bedsores or frozen joints
Unexplained venereal disease or genital infections; vaginal or anal bleeding; torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
Sudden changes in behavior
Staff refusing to allow visitors to see resident or delays in allowing visitors to see resident
Staff not allowing resident to be alone with visitor
Resident being kept in an over-medicated state
Loss of resident's possessions
Sudden large withdrawals from bank accounts or changes in banking practices
Abrupt changes in will or other financial documents
