Rainbow Center
Rainbow Center
849 Big Oak Rd.
Pittsgrove, NJ 08318
Ph: (856) 451-5000
* 24-Hour Physicians Services Available
* Physical Therapists
* Speech/Language Pathologists
* Occupational Therapists
* Staff Specially Trained in Geriatric Care
* 24-Hour Admissions Team on Call
WE work to enhance the quality of our patients lives by reshaping lost abilities and teaching new skills. We heighten expectations for the residents and family. We rebuild hope, confidence, self-respect and a desire to continue.
Specialty Programs
*Managed Care
*IV Services
*Medicare Certification
*24-Hour Skilled Nursing Services
*Nutrition Management
*Short Stay Program
*Respite Care
*Social Events and Activities
*Sub-Acute Care
*Longterm Care
*Hospice Services
*Dental Services
*24 - Hour Physician Services on call
Activities are very important to everyone at Rainbow Center. Our enthusiastic and energetic staff gets residents involved and excited about being part of the group. We have many outings, community events and family socials through out the year. Our daily events are ever changing, fun and focused on getting the residents involved.
The goal for Rainbow Center is to return each patient to his/her highest level of function. Individual programs and activities are tailored to include goals that will ensure appropriate functional skills can be identified, learned and reinforced.
Our facility provides a therapeutic environment that meets the highest standard of quality in the most cost effective and value-added manner. Rainbow Center meets federal and state regulations as well as the requirements of most third party payers.
Copyright © 2006 | American Health Corporation
