Villa Raffaella
Villa Raffaella
917 South Main Street
Pleasantville, NJ 08232
Tel: 609-645-9300
Fax: 609-645-9600
Thank you for inquiring about our community. Before we present the details of the services and amenities that we offer at Villa Raffaella, we would like to tell you a little about our philosophy and our commitment to those who entrust themselves to our care.
For many years, our sisters have worked in the service of the elderly and sick in hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living residences throughout the world. After thought and prayer, we felt it was time to establish a new assisted living community for seniors to meet the needs of a growing elderly population in Southern New Jersey. The goal of assisted living is to promote each resident's independence and dignity, and provide individualized assistance when needed.
Our Commitment to Excellence involves Quality care giving. Our Community is well planned, secure, and simple. Our Sisters live at the site in separate quarters and are dedicated to serving the elderly. Villa Raffaella is a different kind of assisted care community because we believe in the God-given dignity of all men and women.
"Assisted Living" means a coordinated array of supportive personal and health services which are available 24 hours per day to residents who have been assessed to need these services, including residents who require formal, long-term care. These are provided in a setting that is home-like, not institutional.
Assisted living promotes each resident's self-direction and participation in decisions that emphasize:
There are Nine Essential Characteristics of an Assisted Living Home:
1. Appear residential in character having the look and feel of a home.
2. Be perceived as small in scale and size; non-institutional.
3. Provide residential privacy and completeness. Living units including a full bathroom and sometimes a cooking area, in keeping with the residential characters.
4. Recognize the uniqueness of each resident.
5. Foster independence, interdependence, and individuality. Residents' existing functional abilities are maximized, and dependency is minimized. Residents are provided with only the help they need.
6. Focus on health maintenance, physical movement, and mental stimulation.
7. Support family involvement. Families are involved with resident care, sharing responsibility with the Assisted Living home.
8. Maintain connections with the surrounding community.
9. Serve the frail. Assisted Living serves the aged and frail, especially those in danger of institutionalization.
Each private unit or companion suite has wall-to-wall carpeting, entry locks, individually controlled heating and air conditioning, a private bath, and a kitchenette area.
Villa Raffaella was designed with community in mind. The community areas of the residence include:
* A beautiful chapel
* A comfortable residential dining room
* An open front porch
* A private dining room (for family/guests)
* Residential parlors
* An Ice Cream Parlor
* A wellness center
* Entertainment/television areas
* Resident mail center
* Activities center and crafts room
* Resident laundry
* Raised gardens with walking paths
* Beauty Parlor
* Quality furnishings and artwork
* Elevator
* Courtyard with patio, garden, and gazebo
* Ample public restrooms
* Community whirlpool bath
Villa Raffaella was also designed with safety and security in mind. The residence includes:
* Fire resistant construction * Emergency response system
* Full sprinkler system * Enclosed courtyard and garden
Copyright © 2002-2007 Villa Raffaella.
