St Joseph'S Home For Elderly
St Joseph'S Home For Elderly
140 Shepherd Lane
Totowa, New Jersey 07512
Tel: 973.942-0300
Fax: 973.942-7201
The Little Sisters of the Poor, are religious women, members of an International Congregation, who have dedicated their lives to the service of the elderly, in 30 countries of the world on its 5 continents.
They are also women who are deeply in love with the Lord and who desire to serve Him in those who have reached the final stages of their life's journey - accompanying them with love, compassion and skilled care, strengthened by the strong contemplative dimension of their life.
They desire, by their compassionate accompaniment of those preparing to meet their Lord, to be 'pro-life' - witnessing to the dignity of all human beings, but especially to the inestimable value of those whom our 'consumer societies' often consider a burden - the elderly.
The spirit of the congregation is the evangelical spirit expressed by Jesus in the Beatitudes. Mindful of the words of their foundress, Blessed Jeanne Jugan, "Never forget that the poor are Our Lord," the Little Sisters continue her charism and desire that their hospitaller mission of humble service, exercised in the name of the Church, be a sign of the compassionate love and mercy of God. Sisters to the elderly who are journeying towards the Kingdom, the Little Sisters witness to the primacy of eternal values and to respect for life, of which God alone is the master
St. Joseph Home for the Elderly - Totowa, NJ
The Little Sisters of the Poor are religious women, members of an International Congregation, who have dedicated their lives to the service of the elderly, in 30 countries of the world on its 5 continents. But that is not all; they are also women who are deeply in love iwth the Lord, and who desire to serve Him in those who have reaced the final stages of their life's journey - accompanying them with love, compassion and skilled care, strengthened by the strong contemplative dimensions of their life. The Little Sisters are "pro-life" - witnessing to the dignity of all human beings, but especially to the inestimable value of those whom our 'consumer societies' often consider a burden - the elderly.
The Little Sisters are dedicated to the care of the elderly and the poor. If to know Christ means loving and serving the poor, the Little Sisters provide the atmosphere in which it is possible to achieve that goal.
This ministry began in the Paterson Diocese in 1901, and has continued at the facility in Totowa, New Jersey since 1976.
At an Annual Charity Dinner, held at St. Joseph's, Miss Nan Flynn, a 93-year-old St. Joseph’s resident and former nurse, gave a lively talk about St. Joseph’s that drew a standing ovation from the 525 guests. In her talk, the sprightly St. Joseph’s resident, Miss Flynn, said, “it is a blessing to have been accepted by the Little Sisters. No more shopping, no more cooking, my floor is swept, my bed is made.†She recalled how her sister, who had been her driver and her shopper and all-round helper. while she lived alone, “felt the weight of the world had been taken off her shoulders†when she moved into St. Joseph’s. “There is talking and laughter and music — and wine on Sundays,†said Miss Flynn. “We have a beautiful, well-stocked, well-patronized library, and many activities.â€
Her litany of St. Joseph’s advantages also included the beauty and barber shops, the craft department, the gift shop, birthday celebrations, outside excursions, and the yearly week of “vacation from retirement†some residents are able to take at the order’s own retirement facility in Flemington. Also on the list were yearly retreats, the daily Mass at 11 a.m. and rosary at 5 p.m.
The Little Sisters of the Poor - the spiritual daughters of Jeanne Jugan, continue to respond daily to the Lord's call, by their welcome and care for the elderly, wherever their Homes, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Self-Care Units and Day Centers are found.
They feel urged on by the assurance and commitment that their special charism offers them - that God-given gift which enables them to see Christ in those to whom they mninister. They are enabled by their love to give a service that is matured in humble charity, and inspired by the beatitude of spiritual poverty in the simplicity of the 'little ones' of the Gospel and in the joy of the children of God.
Like Jeanne Jugan, they too rely on God for everything, strengthened daily in His love.
© 2009 Little Sisters of the Poor
